If you interested, just click the links provided at left and right. I will try to answer all your curious questions. Just comment on any post or send email to me at mirul.potter89@gmail.com .

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Calculate Work Bonus

To calculate Work Bonus:

Productivity = (Energy + Experience + Knowledge) / 3
Work Bonus = (Productivity /1000) x Bonus

*Bonus is different based on the country you play and it is set by your Government. Also it is in your country's currency.

This is where you can check Bonus given by your Government

Bonus Day [Work]

Bonus day is where you can benefit from Work. This is where your Productivity point need to be at the highest.

How to know when is your Bonus Day?

  • When you work 3 days straight without skipping it, you will receive Bonus on your third day
  • It didn't have to do with Referral Fights.
From the picture below, this is my Worklog and  there is a box filled with yellow colour. The yellow box means that is the Bonus day after 3 days straight work without skipping any day.

* Worklog is in Work tab under Work History

If you want to maximize the profit, you refer this link. It didn't matter if your Productivity haven't reach 10 yet. 

Friday, December 20, 2013

Productivity [Info]

Why is productivity important in Market Glory?

Productivity is the citizen's ability to produce goods for the companies they work for.
Productivity is calculated using the formula: (Energy + Experience + Knowledge) / 3.
  • Energy can increase up to 100.
  • Experience can increase up to 1000.
  • Knowledge can grow up to 1000.
The maximum productivity is 700 and depending on it, you will receive your salary or the working bonus. In the Work section you will find the level of productivity per hour.

Knowledge [Info]

Why is it important to have knowledge in Market Glory?
 Knowledge is an important factor in calculating productivity.

When buying books, depending on their quality you will get knowledge as follows:
  • Low quality Book  = +1 Knowledge,
  • Normal quality Book = +3 Knowledge,
  • High quality Book = +5 Knowledge.
The Knowledge decreases each day by:
  • 0.2 points if your Knowledge is between 1 and 100,
  • 0.4 points if your Knowledge is between 100 and 500,
  • 0.6 points if your Knowledge is between 500 and 1000.
The books can be bought either from the local market (with local currency), or from the global market (with Gold). After you have bought the books, you can see how many products you have on stock from the menu Profile/ Inventory.

Experience [Info]

Why is it important to have work experience in Market Glory?
 Experience is an important factor in calculating productivity. The experience level increases each time you work by 0.7 points. If you work day by day, it will grow up.

You can buy experience in amount of:
  • 0.5 euro for each experience point when you have between 1 and 100 experience points,
  • 0.45 euro for each experience point when you have between 100 and 500 experience points,
  • 0.4 euro for each experience point when you have between 500 and 1000 experience points,
Experience decrease ?? why!!!!

The experience points falls each day by 0.3%. 

When working, the Experience will increase as following:

- for 0 referrals - by 0.7 points per day
- for 1 active referral - by 1 point per day
- for 2 active referrals - by 1.5 points per day
- for 3 active referrals - by 2 points per day
- for 4 active referrals - by 2.5 points per day
- for 5 or more active referrals - by 3 points per day.

Energy [Info]

Why is it important to have energy in MarketGlory?

  1. Depending on the energy level you receive fight bonuses;
  2. Energy is an important factor in calculating productivity;
  3. Depending on the energy level you get a percentage of your referrals earnings;
  4. Attack and defense are influenced by the energy level.

Energy increases when you eat or you have: coffee, clothes, articles, houses and wine.

How much energy do you get?

  • 1 for lower quality
  • 3 for normal quality
  • 5 for high quality
The food is consumed four times a day, at: 3.15, 9.15, 15.15 and 21.15 server time (+2 GMT). The food can be bought either from the local market (with local currency), or from the global market (with Gold). After you have bought the food, you can see how many products you have on stock from the menu Profile/Inventory.

  • 1 per day for low quality
  • 3 per day for normal quality
  • 5 per day for high-quality.
Note that clothes last for 10 days. The clothes can be bought either from the local market (with local currency), or from the global market (with Gold). After you have bought the clothes, you can see how many products you have on stock from the menu Profile/ Inventory.

  • 1 for lower quality coffee
  • 3 for normal quality coffee
  • 5 for high quality coffee
The coffee can be consumed whenever you wish. The coffee can be bought either from the local market (with local currency), or from the global market (with Gold). After you have bought the coffee, you can see how many products you have on stock from the menu Profile/ Inventory.

  • 1 for lower quality Milk
  • 3 for normal quality Milk
  • 5 for high quality Milk
The Milk can be consumed once a day and it offers the energy points when you buy it. The Milk can be bought either from the local market (with local currency), or from the global market (with Gold).

  • 7 house
  • 20 Villa
  • 35 Palace
The houses last for 30 days. The houses can be bought either from the local market (with local currency), or from the global market (with Gold). After you have bought the houses, you can see how many products you have on stock from the menu Profile/ Inventory.Articles: You get 0.3 points of energy for each article you buy, up to 10 articles a day. The articles can be bought from the Home page.Wine: It gives the points of energy shown when you buy it. The wine can be consumed once a day and it gets stronger on stock, with 0.1 points of energy every 12 hours. The wine can be bought only from the local market (with local currency). After you have bought the wine, you can see how many products you have on stock from the menu Profile/ Inventory.For clothes ant houses, the energy is distributed each hour, for the whole day. For instance, for q1 clothes, you will receive 1/24 points of energy each hour, for q2 clothes – 3/24 points of energy, and for q3 clothes – 5/24 points of energy each hour. The same, for a house you will receive each hour 7/24 points of energy, for a villa – 20/24 points of energy and for a palace – 35/24 points of energy.

How does energy decrease?
Energy decrease every hour for about 5% from your total energy

Thursday, December 19, 2013

New Player Guide [Part 4]

Day 4 

(Buy cuisine if your have enough money to cover HQ Milk and Newspaper. So plan it well)

  • Buy one High Quality Cuisine at Market. Take note that Cuisine is consumed automatically when server time is 03.15, 09.15, 15.15 and 21.15. So, plan carefully your time to do Referral Fight and Work where you can benefit energy from Cuisine that you bought.

  • Buy 10 newspaper.
  • Buy one High Quality Dairy Milk at Market
  • Go to Referral Fight to fight the trainer for about 10 times.
  • Finally after finish 10 times fight with the trainer, do Work.
Continue following the Day 4 guide till your Productivity point reach 10++ without Energy point which mean your Experience point need to be 30.

New Player Guide [Part 3]

Day 2
  • Buy 10 newspaper (each one will give 0.3 point energy and maximum to buy newspaper is 10). Please take note that by your income from referral fight is based on your energy level.
The highlighted box is where you can buy newspaper

  • After finish buy all 10 newspaper, fight with the trainer at Referral Fights for 10 times.
  • After finish 10 times fight with trainer, proceed to Workplaces to do Work.
Day 3

    • Buy 10 newspaper (each one will give 0.3 point energy and maximum to buy newspaper is 10). Please take note that by your income from referral fight is based on your energy level.
    • Buy High Quality Dairy Milk at your Local Market which will give 5 point energy. Dairy Milk can only be consumed once a day.

    • Fight the trainer 10 times
    • Lastly, do Work.
    Continue to Day 4

    Wednesday, December 18, 2013

    New Player Guide [Part 2]

    Let play the game.

    1st Day

    • Go to Fight tab, then choose Referral Fights where you fight with trainer.

    • Then fight the trainer 10 times (maximum to fight trainer is 10 times per day)

    • After finish the 10th referral fight with trainer, go to Work tab and choose Workplaces.

    • Do work (work can be done once a day)

    Continue to Day 2 and Day 3

    New Player Guide [Part 1]

    This guide was taken from my group of MarketGlory. I just wanna share and I recommend it since it is more effective where my brother had tried them.

    Please take note the server time which located in the box highlighted in the picture below.

    Server reset when server time is at 00.00.00.

    Also, take note that
    1. Cuisine (food - low quality = 1 p.energy, medium quality = 3 p.energy, high quality = 5 p.energy). If you have this, it will be consumed one at a time automatically when server time is 03.15.00, 09.15.00, 15.15.00, 21.15.00.
    2. Dairy Milk (food - energy given after consumed is same with cuisine based on the quality). You can only consumed this once a day only.
    3. Coffee (food - energy given after consumed is same with cuisine based on the quality). You can consumed it as many as you want at any time. You can find it in you inventory after buy it.
    4. Newspaper (consumed - each one paper you buy will give 0.3 point energy and you can only buy 10 papers only which total energy is 3).
    Continue to Part Two

    Markets Tab

    Markets tab contains Local Market, Global Market, Financial Market, Referral Auction and Company Auction

    Local Market have offers or goods from companies of your country that you played in and also business licenses. The products are sorted by category and quality. Raw materials and licenses can be bought by company. The currency is based on your country's currency.

    Global Market is the same with Local Market but the currency used is in gold.

    Financial is where you can exchange your currency into gold and euro. For example, Dollar Aus into Gold and Gold into Euro.

    Tuesday, December 17, 2013

    Work Tab

    Work tab contains Workplaces, Work History and Buy Experiences. Take note that work can only be done once a day and we can't choose job that we want since the game setting sort it based on the highest paid job offered.

    Fight Tab

    Fight tab contains Referral Fights, Arena, War, Fight History and Medal Fund. Take note that Referral Fights will be used from the start of the game till the end. 

    Referral Fights is where you will fight Trainer and it is limited to all player to fight Trainer for about 10 times per day.

    Arena is where you can attack other players and can gain euro if you have at least 5 energy and items which are weapon and defense.

    War is where you can view info of on-going war or participate the war if your country is in a war.

    Sunday, December 15, 2013

    MarketGlory's Tabs

    Let me introduce the basic tabs that you find it mostly use and required in this game. There are 11 tabs provided in this virtual game. The bolded words is the basic that new players need to know.
    1. Home
    2. Fight
    3. Work
    4. Markets
    5. Companies
    6. Organisations
    7. Government
    8. Affiliates
    9. Partners
    10. Rankings
    11. Forum

    Introduction of MarketGlory's Interface

    For all new players, let me familiarize you with all MarketGlory's interface. More details interface will be updated in the later post.

    After you login, this is the "Home" of the MarketGlory. From here, you can access a few features to proceed like fights, works, markets and etc.