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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Calculate Work Bonus

To calculate Work Bonus:

Productivity = (Energy + Experience + Knowledge) / 3
Work Bonus = (Productivity /1000) x Bonus

*Bonus is different based on the country you play and it is set by your Government. Also it is in your country's currency.

This is where you can check Bonus given by your Government

Bonus Day [Work]

Bonus day is where you can benefit from Work. This is where your Productivity point need to be at the highest.

How to know when is your Bonus Day?

  • When you work 3 days straight without skipping it, you will receive Bonus on your third day
  • It didn't have to do with Referral Fights.
From the picture below, this is my Worklog and  there is a box filled with yellow colour. The yellow box means that is the Bonus day after 3 days straight work without skipping any day.

* Worklog is in Work tab under Work History

If you want to maximize the profit, you refer this link. It didn't matter if your Productivity haven't reach 10 yet. 

Friday, December 20, 2013

Productivity [Info]

Why is productivity important in Market Glory?

Productivity is the citizen's ability to produce goods for the companies they work for.
Productivity is calculated using the formula: (Energy + Experience + Knowledge) / 3.
  • Energy can increase up to 100.
  • Experience can increase up to 1000.
  • Knowledge can grow up to 1000.
The maximum productivity is 700 and depending on it, you will receive your salary or the working bonus. In the Work section you will find the level of productivity per hour.